I notice that most people are "pro-love" just on a daily basis, but tge blogs i have read today from periods 1 and 2 show the much more realistic side of love. I for one agree with the other bloggers. Love sucks. You cant just imagine and expect it to be the best thing in the world. You really cant be that dumb. I applaud those who actually took a look at love in the realistic way and not just the i know love is perfect and im going to be happy for the rest of my life kind of way. Im glad some people actually get it.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
To love or not to love?
Love is a very delicate matter, yet its toyed around with and taken advantage of. Love is something almost everyone wants. Almost. I for one am scared by it. Who knows if someone really loves you? A person you care a lot about could say it and it could be and absolute lie. So...then what? How can you really know if someone really loves you? The scarey thing is....you don't. I would rather not love at all to save myself the heartache then to put myself on an emotional rollercoaster. I'll pass, thanks.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Having no Kids
If i were to never have kids, it would be both good and bad. Good because if you dont have kids, your free to do what ever you want, when ever you want. You would be free of the burden and never have to clean after them, care for them, or pay for anything they want or need. You'd have more free time for yourself and even be able to spend a lot more money on yourself too. If you dont have kids, basically, you get more free time, more money, less stress, and more freedom. Why would you want kids? After thinking about this, if you have kids, you'll notice your a lot less happy then you were before you had them. Why would I ever want kids? Truth is, if i do have kids, i would only ever have one. And no its not because Im heartless, honestly, i dont know why. Im not much of a person who even likes kids. I'll admit it right now, i dont like kids, at all. I hate them, they are annoying, messy, incompitant, loud, abnoxious, irritating....need i go on? But heres the thing, if you dont have kids, who in the world is going to take care of you when you turn all old and get cancer or a disease? No one. No one will care because once your old, your going to die soon anyway. So why should anyone care about you? Even though kids are a pain in the neck, its different if its your kid because you two will have a special connection. You wont find them as awful as any other kid because their yours.... Even so, how much money will you have to pay for diapers, clothes, baby food, toys, games, video games, dresses or suits, cars, hospital bills for when your kid gets in a car accident, college, and when ever they ask you to borrow money? How many times are you going to have to tell them to get a job and do their chores and listen before you start getting grey hairs? How many kids are they going to have? How many things are you going to have to waste your money on for your grandchildren after all they money youv'e already spent on your own child? How early or late do you want to have kids? Will they effect goals in your life? Will they die before you? Will you want them to take care of you if you live long enough? Theres a lot to think about before you even think of having a kid. If all this is stressing you out, what do you think is going to happen when you have kids? Congradulations to who ever can have a lot of kids and be able to deal with it easily because im scared of having just one! Who ever in their right mind even wants more than one kid is completely and totally insane. I feel that having a kid would be awful, but its not something id regret.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
This is not a real word! Im about to fail this assignment because i cant find it ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Difficult conversation
The following is a true story.....literally..
A customer walks up to the counter to purchase a brand new video game.
Me: that'll be 63.74...how are you paying?
Customer: i think thats stupid!!
Me: pardon me?
Customer: how can you ask how i'm paying? I haven't even (mumble mumble mumble).
Me: umm....sir? I didn't quite catch that.
Customer: heres my money!!!
Me: alright..thanks...heres your change and the reciet is in the bag along with your game..have a nice day!
Customer: aren't you gonna give me your number--
I cut him off immediatly
Me: absolutely not...according to your ID your a middle aged man and i'm only 16. Now I suggest you leave. Have a nice day...
He blushes and quickly leaves the store....forgetting his keys, wallet and bag on tbe counter.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Tedtalk: Adora S.
The fact the our generation will be the new leaders has nothing to do with adults listening to us but how responsive we are to the adults. When you want something done or you are arguing that "childish is an insult and adults need to listen to the kids" its not the adults problem, its ours. We, as the next generation, must take the initiative because guess what, adults don't care about that. I think, and this is MY opinion, is that when its time for us to be the new leaders we will become just that, but thats a choice. A lot of people don't want to be the new leaders and that is something this generation must take to mind because there will be a heavier burden on there shoulders if this is all unexpected.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Class assignment: Ad. for a best friend
An ideal best friend to me would have certain personality traits and characteristic. I'm looking for someone is strong, tall, and brave. A good friend would stick up for me even if they know I'm 100% wrong. They would never be mean or hurt me intentionally. They would always have my back and make me smile just by smiling at me. They would cheer me up and cancel their plans to make sure I'm absolutely O.K. The ideal best friend is most importantly loyal, honest, and kind..
Friday, September 13, 2013
Perspective of Art
Monday, September 9, 2013
Courage can be summed up in just a few words as a definition in the dictionary:" the ability to do something that frightens one". Those words have no meaning until they are actually true. Fear is a true contender to courage, because without fear, we would have no courage.

Since then my father has been to Louisiana ,and other southern states, still taking jobs and helping out people and getting power back. He shows courage by risking his life so that other people can have things such as a place to live, food on the table, water, and other materials. If not for people like my father, who would go through such circumstances to get electricity running again?